Monday , February 18 , 2002




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     It seems this page took me forever. I guess it's the fact that I try and get everything perfect, and in the end it ends up looking horrible. I hate the way it turned out after I inked it. Bleh ;_; Well if there's anyone out there reading this, *looks around and sighs* e-mail me if you have any comments.
     This is an experiment as well as a test of my art skills, so I can use any constructive criticism.


     Well this is my second page so far. I've discovered something about coloring things in Photoshop. I've discovered there's no way I could manage to keep updating this site with new strips if I colored every strip in Photoshop...It takes to long.*sighs*That and it doesn't look as good as I'd like. So I'm going to save the Photoshop coloring for later strips.
     I think I'm going to go pass out on my bed now.......@_@

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